When it comes to establishing a lush, green lawn, timing is everything. While many might assume that spring and summer are the ideal seasons for planting turf, winter actually presents some unique advantages. Associated Turf, a leading provider of high-quality turf solutions, highlights why winter might just be the perfect time to lay down your new lawn.

The Benefits of Planting Turf in Winter

  • Less Heat Stress One of the biggest challenges of planting turf in the warmer months is the stress caused by high temperatures. Newly laid turf can struggle to establish roots when the weather is too hot. By planting in winter, you avoid this issue entirely. The cooler temperatures provide a more stable environment for the turf to develop a strong root system without the risk of heat stress.
  • Reduced Watering Needs Summer heat can lead to increased evaporation, requiring more frequent watering to keep the turf healthy. In contrast, the cooler and often wetter winter months reduce the need for constant irrigation. This not only saves water but also reduces your water bill and effort required for maintenance.
  • Less Weed Competition Weeds are less active in the winter, meaning your new turf will face less competition for nutrients and water. By the time spring arrives and weeds begin to grow again, your turf will have had a head start, making it more resilient and better able to compete with unwanted plants.
  • Optimal Root Development Winter planting allows turf to focus on root development rather than top growth. With cooler air temperatures and warm soil, turf roots can grow deep and strong. This robust root system will support healthy, vigorous growth when the warmer weather returns.
  • Availability of Turf Winter is often a less busy season for turf suppliers. This means that high-quality turf varieties are more readily available, and you might even benefit from off-season discounts. Associated Turf, for example, ensures a steady supply of premium turf throughout the year, allowing you to take advantage of the best quality products even in the colder months.

How to Plant Turf in Winter

  • Prepare the Soil Even though it's winter, soil preparation remains a critical step. Clear the area of any debris, old grass, or weeds. Loosen the soil to a depth of about 10-15 cm and incorporate organic matter to improve soil structure and fertility.
  • Choose the Right Turf Selecting the right type of turf for your climate and soil conditions is essential. Consult with experts like those at Associated Turf to find a variety that will thrive in your specific environment. Winter-friendly varieties are available and can establish well even in cooler conditions.
  • Lay the Turf Lay the turf as soon as possible after delivery to prevent it from drying out. Arrange the turf pieces in a staggered pattern, much like bricks, to reduce seams and ensure a uniform appearance. Press down the edges to ensure good contact with the soil.
  • Water Wisely Even though winter typically requires less watering, it's still crucial to keep the turf moist until it establishes. Water the turf immediately after laying it and continue to water regularly, but be careful not to overwater as this can lead to waterlogged soil and root rot.
  • Avoid Heavy Traffic To give your new turf the best chance to establish, minimise foot traffic on the freshly laid lawn. This is particularly important during the first few weeks after installation.


Planting turf in winter might seem unconventional, but it offers numerous benefits that can lead to a healthier, more resilient lawn. By avoiding the stress of summer heat, reducing water usage, and fostering robust root development, you can set the stage for a lush, green lawn come spring. Associated Turf’s range of high-quality turf options ensures that you have access to the best products and advice, making your winter turf planting project a success. So, if you're considering laying new turf, don't wait for spring—winter might just be the perfect season to give your lawn a head start.